NA Committee Seeks Report On Rs 24 Bln Embezzlement In CAA

NA committee seeks report on Rs 24 bln embezzlement in CAA

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -23rd Augst,2016) : A Sub ommittee of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat Tuesday sought a report from Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) about Rs 24.593 billion embezzlement in the authority.

The committee meeting, chaired by Convener Sardar Mansab Ali Dogar, directed the CAA to present a detailed report of Rs 671.39 million embezzlement on account of Cargo Throughput Charges and irregular renewal of Air Transport Licenses defaulting airlines Rs 23922.00 million in next meeting. The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has already submitted a inquiry report to the sub committee regarding the embezzlement. The official from the FIA and CAA attended the meeting.