Over 50,000 Unemployed Youth To Be Trained This Year


Over 50,000 unemployed youth to be trained this year

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -2nd Sep,2016) :National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) would train over 50,000 unemployed youth across the country in different technical trades by the end of this year.

Talking to APP here Friday, Executive Director NAVTTC, Zulfiqar Ahmad Cheema said that all courses/trades were not only being offered free of charge, whereas stipend will also be paid to the trainees.

The government is fully committed to provide technical and vocational education alongwith the conventional education which would benefit the economy of the country in the long run, he said.

He said that skill competition was introduced across the country to create awareness among the youth for realizing the importance of technical and vocational education.

Zulfiqar Ahmed suggested the industries and entrepreneurs of the country to encourage the youth to get training from NAVTTC institutions. Employment oppotunities will be created for trained/skilled youth of the country and Skill Counseling Desk and Job Placement Centre of NAVTTC would provide proper guidance to them in this regar, he said.