Pak-China Optic Fiber Cable Project To Be Completed By June 2018

Pak-China optic fiber cable project to be completed by June 2018

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -5th Sep,2016) : The 820-kilometer long Pak-China optic fiber cable project from Rawalpindi to Khunjrab would be completed at a cost of US$ 44 million by June 2018.

After completion of this important project of Information Technology (IT) under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would convert trade corridor into digital corridor. This project was being completed in collaboration between China's Huawei and Special Communication Organization (SCO), Senior Project Manager, SCO, Muhammad Adil said.

He informed that this project would be beneficial for strategic link between both Pakistan and China. This project would not only generate revenue but it would also a safest route of voice traffic between the two countries, he added.

Muhammad Adil said, the Pak-China fiber optic fiber cable would provide an alternate source for the world trade.

He hoped that awareness about trade, tourism and Information Technology (IT) would create economic opportunities in Gilgit- Baltistan (GB).

The foundation stone of the Pak-China optic fiber cable project was laid in May this year. Around 18.2 kilometers portion of the optic fiber cable would pass through Federal capital, 466 kilometers from Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), 280 kilometers from Khyber Pakhtunkhaw (KPK), and 47 kilometers from Punjab.

The optical fiber cable would reach Rawalpindi from Khunjrab via Karimabad, Gilgit, Chilas, Babusar Top, Naran, Mansehra and Jery Kas. A project to expand the fiber cable up to Gawadar was in final phase of approval which would provide an international linkage along the entire route of CPEC.