PESCO Teams Arrest Power Pilferers, Disconnect Connections

PESCO teams arrest power pilferers, disconnect connections

PESHAWAR,(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th August, 2016) : Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) teams on Thursday continued drive against illegal use of electricity and removed 21 direct hook from Wazir Bagh Sub division and arrested three persons. Similarly, the teams disconnected 12 electricity meters and power supply to defaulters on non-payment of Rs 3,46000 dues. PESCO spokesman said here that in Wazir Bagh sub division, PESCO checking teams along with Police checked different areas of Usman Town and Ring Road and removed 21 direct hooks and registered FIRs against three persons who were arrested from the spot.

He said the drive against illegal use of electricity and direct hooks would continue to stop power pilferage in the larger interest of the nation. He said that the company was facing huge financial and line losses owing to power pilferage while the whole distribution system was also disturbing due to overload thus causing inconvenience to general public.