PFA Cracks Down On Fake Juice Factory In Sahiwal

PFA cracks down on fake juice factory in Sahiwal

SAHIWAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Aug, 2024) Punjab Food Authority's food safety team on Monday shut down a juice factory in Sahiwal for producing fake fruit drinks.

According to the PFA spokesperson, the team seized 300 liters of mango fruit drinks, 100 liters of mango pulp and 700 empty bottles from the factory.

The factory was found to be using artificial sweeteners in their drink which is against food safety standards.

The owners of the factory have been accused of forgery and a case has been filed against them.

The factory has been closed until it improves its standards and stops producing substandard drinks.

The Punjab Food Authority is continuing its operations against businesses that counterfeit and produce fake food products.


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