Poetic Symposium Held In Connection With Iqbal Day

Poetic symposium held in connection with Iqbal Day

A poetic symposium 'Bayad-e-Iqbal' was held in connection with Iqbal Day, here at Punjab Arts Council, Rawalpindi where a rich tribute was presented to the great services of the national poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Nov, 2024) A poetic symposium 'Bayad-e-Iqbal' was held in connection with Iqbal Day, here at Punjab Arts Council, Rawalpindi where a rich tribute was presented to the great services of the national poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

Organized by Bazm-e-Ahbab-e-Qalam, the symposium was attended by eminent poets and writers from all over the country.

The poets and speakers shed light on the various aspects of Iqbal's thoughts and philosophy. They presented Iqbal's poems and paid tribute to Hakeem-ul-Umat in a magnificent way.

Raja Abdul Qayyum, former DG Ministry of Information and Broadcasting presided over the event whereas famous writer and poetess Asnath Kanwal was the chief guest on the occasion. Zafar Iqbal Anjum, a famous writer and former Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the guest of honor at the symposium.

Ali Asghar Samar, Founder and President of Ahbab-e-Qalam, Munazah Javed, Syeda Seema Qamar, Shahida Urfi, and Syeda Rubina also participated in the symposium. Civil society members including literary figures attended the event.