Polio Drive Reviewed

Polio drive reviewed

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Feb, 2025) A meeting, chaired by Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Waseem, reviewed the performance of the polio teams participating in the ongoing anti-polio campaign across the district.

The meeting was informed that on the very first day, 164,375 children were vaccinated against polio, which is 92 percent of the target. The meeting was informed that four parents who refused were also convinced and their children were vaccinated. On the first day, 1,095 children were also given the first dose of polio.

Over 3,332 teams have been formed across the district to vaccinate 799,266 children, including 89 transit teams.

Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Waseem directed the officers that achieving the target is their top priority and all the children who were not present today should be given priority so that they can be vaccinated. The meeting was attended by CO Health Dr. Sara Safdar and DHO Dr. Asad Aslam, along with other officers of the health department and representatives of WHO.