PTDC Recognizes Asmar’s Contributions In Tourism Promotion

PTDC recognizes Asmar’s contributions in tourism promotion

The Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) proudly recognized the outstanding contributions of well-deserved photographer Muhammad Asmar Hussain in promoting tourism in Pakistan through photography

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Oct, 2024) The Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) proudly recognized the outstanding contributions of well-deserved photographer Muhammad Asmar Hussain in promoting tourism in Pakistan through photography.

With 16 years of experience, Asmar has significantly impacted the field of photography, particularly in Pakistan's northern regions to showcase the rich tourism potential at international level, said a press release on Tuesday.

His work has been featured in National Geographic and Hilal Magazine, and he is the only Pakistani whose photos appeared on the National Geographic YourShot front page.

Asmar has received multiple accolades, including the Photographer of the Year Award in Russia and 1st prize in the PTDC All Pakistan International Mountains Day Award.

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