Raid On Exam Centre, 185 Cell Phones Seized

Raid on Exam centre, 185 cell phones seized

NAWABSHAH, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th May, 2017 ) : District administration struck against students involved in using unfair means in the examination of board of Intermediate and Secondary education and arrested four persons allegedly solving papers in place of original students.

The raid was conducted by a team led by Assistant Commissioner Dr. Faisal Saleem at examination centre of Khabbar Lakmir on tip off.

The team, on search, seized 185 mobile phones from the custody of candidates allegedly being used for solving papers through unfair means.

The AC was of the view that copy culture had gripped the society like disease and all of us have to struggle jointly for the remedy. He said that copy culture in examinations was spreading speedily and measures were being taken to check it. He specially pointed out the menace in which female students had got involved.