Rescue 1122, Muslim Hands Collectively Hosts Capacity-building Training Workshop

Rescue 1122, Muslim Hands collectively hosts capacity-building training workshop

Rescue 1122 Mirpur AJ With the collaboration of a UK-based NGO, Muslim Hands International on Thursday managed a day-long capacity-building training workshop to enhance the technical skills of the MH volunteers and staffers to combat a comprehensive situation of emergency

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Nov, 2024) Rescue 1122 Mirpur AJ With the collaboration of a UK-based NGO, Muslim Hands International on Thursday managed a day-long capacity-building training workshop to enhance the technical skills of the MH volunteers and staffers to combat a comprehensive situation of emergency.

Dozens of the volunteers and staff members of the Muslim Hands Mirpur AJK Chapter successfully participated in the workshop. 

Seasoned field staffers of the Rescue 1122, including Senior Rescue Officer Wajid Rasheed and his colleagues, imparted training to swiftly perform during any emergent situations of fire, road mishap, boating, fishing, or any otherwise activity during recreation at water sites including lakes, rivers and ponds.

"Such capacity-building training sessions enhance community resilience besides ensuring effective emergency

preparedness," said Qamar Atta Raja, the Muslim Hands Media Manager, while talking to APP at the sideline of the concluding session of the workshop.

"The event covered vital life-saving skills, including CPR techniques, fire extinguisher use, and emergency response protocols," Atta added.
