Rs. 15.666 Bln For Next PSDP Earmarked To Execute 61 Schemes

Rs. 15.666 bln for next PSDP earmarked to execute 61 schemes

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2017 ) : The government has set aside Rs. 15.666 billion for Interior Division in Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for 2017-18 to execute 61 on-going and new schemes during the year.

As per details mentioned in PSDP document for next fiscal year on Friday, Rs. 10.675 billion have been earmarked for 38 on-going development schemes while 23 new schemes would be provided Rs. 4.991 billion during the period.

Under the head of on-going schemes, for capacity enhancement of Frontier Corps Balochistan by raising eight additional wings, Rs 650 million have been allocated while it has an estimated cost of Rs.

2719.49 million. For construction of Judicial and Administration Complex in Mauve Area, G-11/4 Islamabad, Rs. 50 million have been allocated while estimated cost of this project is Rs. 708.53 million.

For construction of a Model Prison at H-16 in Islamabad Rs 800 million have been allocated in PSDP which was approved by ECNEC in 2016 and has an estimated cost of Rs 3928.5 million. Moreover, Rs.

427.29 million have been allocated for construction of accommodation, training, administrative block and barracks for establishment of Rapid Response Force in ICT police.

The authorities also earmarked Rs.

750 million for construction of accommodation for Abdullah Shah Ghazi Rangers at Karachi and Rs. 350 million for construction of accommodation for Bhittai Rangers at Karachi. For establishment of an FM Radio for Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) at ITP headquarters, F-8/1 Islamabad, Rs 9.97 million have been allocated.

For on-going scheme in PSDP, Rs 50 million have been apportioned for Pakistan Automated Fingerprint Identification System Phase-II, Rs 90.7 million for Machine Readable Passport/Visa project (Phase-III), Rs.

406.7 million for Establishment of National Forensic Science Agency and Islamabad Laboratory and Rs. 1800 million apportioned for provision of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) related security.

The authorities also earmarked Rs. 440 million for Islamabad General Hospital at Tarlai, Islamabad to meet health related needs of the citizens. For National Security Division, Rs. 100 million have been allocated to execute a new scheme called public security apparatus, revamping and development project.