Rs 1.6m Released For Medical Expenses Of Police Officials

Rs 1.6m released for medical expenses of police officials

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Aug, 2024) Inspector General of Police Punjab Dr Usman Anwar has released over Rs 1.6 million

in additional funds for medical expenses to police employees stationed in various

districts, including Lahore.

According to the details, Rs 300,000 were given to injured constable Zahid Mahmood

from DG Khan for medical treatment and Rs 200,000 were released to

Sub-Inspector Muhammad Bakhsh of Lahore for medical expenses.

Retired DSP Muhammad Amir Khan was given 400,000 rupees for brain surgery,

Sub-Inspector Syed Saqlain Raza was granted 300,000 rupees for treatment of severe

illness, retired Langari Ghulam Farid received 150,000 rupees for backbone problem

treatment, and Private Secretary Shaukat Niaz was issued 100,000 rupees for eye surgery.

Additionally, 100,000 rupees were given to Constable Haider Ali of PC Rawalpindi

for leg surgery.

The IG Punjab said that assistance was being provided for health welfare of employees

from the Police Welfare Fund which was deducted from salaries of the force, and from income

generated from police welfare sources.

He said that the best welfare of the police force was a top priority and further steps were

being ensured.