Rural Youth Advised To Rear Animals As Lucrative Profession


Rural youth advised to rear animals as lucrative profession

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th Dec, 2024) Unemployed youth in rural areas have been advised to rear animals

as the profession is lucrative and reasonable.

This was advised by Deputy Director Livestock department Dr Tanveer

Kalyar while talking to a group of farmers here on Monday.

He motivated breeders to rear animals, adding that rearing cattle would

not only help farmers economically but also contribute to strengthening

country’s economy. He said: "Livestock has a 24 per cent share in GDP

and farmers can enhance their profit by rearing high yielding breeds".


was of the view that rural youth should not leave their homes and villages

to find employment in cities, rather it was better to stay in villages and

make livestock business as a mean of livelihood. He said that women

could also earn by rearing poultry and sheep, adding that livestock department

provides free technical assistance and vaccination facilities to animal

and poultry traders.

"About 40 per cent of the local population in Sargodha region is linked

to the livestock sector", he maintained.