Sahiwal Traffic Police Tackles Accidents With Reflector Stickers


Sahiwal Traffic Police tackles accidents with reflector stickers

SAHIWAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Aug, 2024) The Sahiwal Traffic Police is taking steps to prevent accidents caused by slow-moving vehicles without backlights here on Thursday.

According to IG Traffic Police Office, following instructions from Additional IG Traffic Police Punjab Mirza Faran Baig, District Traffic Officer Saeed Ahmed Lodhi and District Police Officer Faisal Shahzad, Inspector Traffic Rai Khizzer Hayat Anjum is leading the effort to install reflector stickers on vehicles.

Inspector Khizzer Anjum highlighted the danger posed by slow-moving vehicles without backlights especially at night.

He emphasized the importance of using reflector stickers to prevent accidents.

The Sahiwal Traffic Police is also distributing pamphlets to motorcyclists, promoting helmet use and other road safety measures to prevent loss of life.