Senate Body To Take Up Grand Hyatt Hotel Scame On Thursday


Senate body to take up Grand Hyatt hotel scame on Thursday

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -22nd Augst,2016) : Senate Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control would take up Grand Hyatt Hotel Scam and complaints of corruption against Capital Development Authority's officers lodged with Federal Ingestive Agency on August 25(Thursday).

The committee is meeting under the Chairmanship of Senator Abd ul Rehman Malik at Parliament House.

The committee members would be given briefing about the detail of market value and official value of the allocated land of Grand Hyatt Hotel and detail of audit made by the Auditor General of Pakistan. The committee would be also informed about the worth and size of the plot of Grand Hyatt Hotel and detail of sale and purchase, mode of payment and the exact amount received by the CDA in this regard.