Syndicate Of Sindh Varsity Approves Enhancement Of Salaries Of Contract Employees

Syndicate of Sindh varsity approves enhancement of salaries of contract employees

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th August, 2016) - The Syndicate of University of Sindh Jamshoro Saturday granted approval of enhancement of salary of contract employees and special allowance to disabled employees of the university.

The decision was taken at 195th meeting of Syndicate met under the chair of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Siddique Kalhoro that had approved the revised budget 2016-2017 of the university. According to university spokesman, the meeting also approved the recommendations of the Selection board regarding promotions of the officers and employees of the university as well as the recommendation of up grading the posts of Clerks and Assistants.

The meeting also approved the implantation of Tenure Track System in the university and also approved the recommendations of the Promotion Committee of Model school. Besides, the meeting also granted approval of withdrawing the mark up on Dowry Loan from Benevolent Fund.

It also approved the recommendations of Higher Training and Scholarship Committees as well as the recommendations of the committee formed for computer programmes of the university. The recommendations regarding amendment in the rules of Earn Leave of the faculty members for performing Hujj and Umrah were also accorded approval.