Two Days Health, Wellness Expo On Sept 4

Two days health, wellness expo on  Sept 4

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Sep, 2024) A two-day Health and Wellness Expo is going to start from September 4 to September 5 at a local hotel.

The expo includes participation from government health and rescue agencies, Baqai University, Indus Hospital, and several other hospitals, companies, and associations, said a communique.

The chairman of the Health Expo, Dr. Junaid Shah, along with Dr. Farhan Essa, Zafar M. Dar, S.M. Sajjad, and Nusrat Faheem, held a press conference in this regard at Karachi Press Club.

The expo is scheduled to take place at a local hotel on Wednesday and Thursday, September 4 and 5. Dr. Shah was accompanied by the Chairman of the Expo's Scientific Committee, Professor Dr. Farhan Essa, Vice Chairman Zafar M. Dar, Project Expo Director S.M. Sajjad, and Expo Secretary Nusrat Faheem.

During the press briefing, Dr. Junaid Ali Shah and other officials informed the media that the two-day health and wellness expo marks a significant step in Pakistan's history.

The expo will feature numerous stalls from representatives of the medicine, pharmacy, private hospitals, and clinics sectors.

They have also invited all media outlets to cover the event so the world can see the crucial role private hospitals and clinics play in Pakistan’s healthcare system.

The expo will include media briefings and seminars. Dr. Junaid Ali Shah, Dr. Farhan Essa, Zafar M. Dar, S.M. Sajjad, Dr. Amara, and Nusrat Faheem provided further details, highlighting that the expo will not only bring together various health and wellness institutions but will also include participation from the Sindh Health Regulatory Authority, the Sindh Healthcare Commission, the Pakistan Medical Association, prominent hospitals like Indus and Baqai University, as well as other hospitals and organizations, including Rescue 1122 will participate in the expo.