Vietnam Senior Monk Visits Peshawar Museum


Vietnam senior monk visits Peshawar Museum

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Jan, 2025) Senior venerable monk, Thich Thai Hoa of Vietnam alongwith other monks delegation visited the Peshawar and Swat museums, honouring the region's Buddhist heritage.

They were briefed about Peshawar and Swat museums in detailed by the authorities. The monks visited its different galleries and took keen interest in it.

Peshawar Museum is the lone Gandhara museum in the world offers a profound attraction to the life of Lord Buddha, the founder of Bhuddism.

Renowned for its extensive collection of Buddhist sculptures from the Gandhara era (2nd century BC to 6th century AD), the Peshawar museum stands out as one of Southeast Asia's premier cultural and archeological attraction.

It was constructed some 150 years back on Sher Suri Road opposite of Governor House where over 30,000 rare antiques, artifacts, coins, swords, guns and other antiquities including 16,000 are showcased and around 14,000 artifacts are lying in cupboards.

The ancient weapons of British army and swords of freedom fighters besides the complete life story of the Founder of Buddhism, Lord Bhudda was kept preserved in the form of panels and statues here.

The monks praised Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, KP preservation efforts, highlighting the potential for religious tourism and stronger cultural ties.


