WASA To Complete Upgradation Of 4 Disposal Stations This Month

WASA to complete upgradation of 4 disposal stations this month

Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA) Faisalabad would complete up-gradation of its four disposal stations this month to resolve longstanding sewerage related issues in Ghulam Muhammad Abad, Sheikhupura Road, Jhang Road and Satiana Road

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Jan, 2025) Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA) Faisalabad would complete up-gradation of its four disposal stations this month to resolve longstanding sewerage related issues in Ghulam Muhammad Abad, Sheikhupura Road, Jhang Road and Satiana Road.

Managing Director WASA Aamer Aziz said that the work of upgradation Achkera, Gulistan Colony, PS-34 and Dijkot Drain disposal stations was in final stage and it would be completed by January 30.

He said that completion of Achkera Disposal Station would resolve sewerage issues in Ghulam Muhammad Abad and its nearby localities whereas Gulistan Colony station would benefit the residents of Sheikhupura Road and its peripheral localities.

Similarly, improvements of Dijkot Drain station would address the problems in Saifabad and Jhang Road while PS-34 project would facilitate the residents of Satiana Road, he added.