Spanish Minister Warns Growth At Risk Due To Lack Of Govt

Spanish minister warns growth at risk due to lack of govt

MADRID, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st September, 2016) - Failure to end Spain's protracted political blockade could soon cause the Spanish economy to slow, outgoing Economy Minister Luis de Guindos warned on Thursday. His comments came a day after Spanish lawmakers rejected acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's bid for a second term, triggering a two-month countdown to a possible third election in a year.

"There are leading indicators that show the Spanish economy is slowing.

In the coming months if additional measures are not taken the economy will slow," De Guindos said in an interview with Cope radio. Demand for credit from small and medium sized businesses has slowed in recent months, the minister said. "We will see that international investors, what is called in the abstract the markets, will start to ask themselves: 'What is happening in Spain'," De Guindos said.