Tea Trouble Brews For Sri Lankan Presidential Hopefuls

Tea trouble brews for Sri Lankan presidential hopefuls

Hatton, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Sep, 2024) The backbone of the economy, Sri Lanka's tea pickers are determined to use their powerful vote to choose a president this month who will change grim working conditions for good.

Tea pickers largely voted as a bloc in past polls and the support of the estimated one million people working directly or indirectly in the industry will be critical in the tightly fought September 21 polls.

"Nothing has been done for us," said 42-year-old tea picker K.

Jesmina, who shares a small and basic two-room home without running water with 10 family members.

"We hope at least after this election, we will get some help," Jesmina added, noting her family shares a toilet with 115 other households.

Tea is the main export of Sri Lanka, the second largest supplier of black tea to the international market according to the United Nations' agriculture agency (FAO).