Two-week Training Program For Arab Journalists Concluded In Beijing

Two-week training program for Arab Journalists concluded in Beijing

Beijing, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2017 ) : A two-week training program for Arab Journalists concluded in Beijing recently with the aim of boosting China's relations with the Arab world in the media field.

The training program was organized by the state Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and supervised by the CIPG Training Center. Some 39 journalists from ten Arab countries, including three from Jordan, participated in the program, which started on May 10, and included seminars, discussions and field tours to acquaint the participants with China's development experiment, Petra reported.

Its key objective was to stimulate middle Eastern journalists to become more involved in the economic and social development processes in their own countries. Deputy Director of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) Training Center Li Heng Tian said: "China and the Arab world had a common interest in an enhanced relationship of friendship and cooperation, which is reflected by their joint work in the economic, cultural, educational and development field and joint ventures." He also said that the aim of such training programs was to promote the knowledge of Arab journalists in the development drive taking place in China in various fields, strengthen the bond of media cooperation and share visions, ideas, and experiences with Chinese journalists.

Former Chinese envoy to the Middle East Wu Sike reviewed developmental initiatives China works to implement, including the Belt and Road Initiative which seeks to facilitate and expand the volume of trade among regions and countries, which are members of this initiative.

He noted that partnership in formulating such initiatives would contribute to deepening Sino-Arab cooperation and enhancing the Arab nations' quest for achieving sustainable development, particularly in the economic field.

Wu indicated his country's growing Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which was at $11 Trillion in 2016, a figure that reflects the nature of growth in the Chinese economy. He spoke about developments taking place in West Asian and North African countries and said that Beijing respects the will of the peoples in the region and their aspirations for development and reform.

He said Beijing supports these countries to find a developmental path that is consistent with their own circumstances. Wu also urged the international community to attach greater importance to the Palestinian issue to push forward the Middle East peace process.

He noted that Beijing backs the two-state solution and the creation of an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital in line with UN Security Council resolutions.