Up To 60% Of Terrorism Deaths In 2022 Recorded In Sub-Saharan Africa - Foreign Minister


Up to 60% of Terrorism Deaths in 2022 Recorded in Sub-Saharan Africa - Foreign Minister

TUNIS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 21st June, 2023) Up to 60% of victims of terrorism in the world in 2022 are residents of sub-Saharan African countries, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said on Tuesday.

Bourita highlighted the positive impact of the regional branch of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, headquartered in Morocco's capital city of Rabat, on the current situation in the region while addressing a high-level meeting in New York, Moroccan MAP news agency reported. � �

The minister stressed that terrorism is currently one of the most serious threats in Africa, which needs to be confronted swiftly and in a coordinated manner, according to the news agency.

�Bourita added that in 2022, up to 60% of all terrorism deaths globally took place in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to 48% in 2021, according to the report.

"Multilateral action to fight against terrorism is no more optional. It is the only option," he was quoted as saying by MAP.

The minister reportedly pointed out that the countries that tried to fight terrorism individually failed, as well as those that tried to import one-size-fits-all approaches to solve the terrorism problem.