UPDATE - GLONASS Station To Be Mounted In India In 2022 - Roscosmos


UPDATE - GLONASS Station to Be Mounted in India in 2022 - Roscosmos

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 30th September, 2021) The construction of a ground station for correcting the GLONASS navigation signal in India will begin next year, Sergey Savelyev, deputy general director of state space corporation Roscosmos for international cooperation, told Sputnik.

"We have to place one station (each) with India. I think it will happen next year," Savelyev said.

In 2019, it was reported that a Russian station could be located in Bangalore. It should improve the accuracy of the Russian system in the region.

Currently, according to information posted on the website of the GLONASS System of Differential Corrections and Monitoring (SDCM), the network of GLONASS ground stations consists of 46 facilities in Russia and seven stations abroad, including South America, South Africa and Antarctica.