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Benefits Of Reading Surah Kahf On Friday

Benefits Of Reading Surah Kahf On Friday

Surat Ul Kahf or Surah Kahf was revealed on our last Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), in Makkah. And this is why it is a Makki surah. The surah contains 110 verses with 12 rukus, and it is the 18th surah of the Holy Quran. This Surah contains narrations for protection, truth, accepting Allah, and the hardships those who call themselves believers face. The surah holds tremendous significance in terms of reciting and learning. Here are some of the most talked about benefits of reading surah Kahf on Friday.

This article intends to make everyone familiar with the benefits of reading Surah Kahf on Friday. The significance of reciting Surah Kahf on Friday can be shown by the ahadees mentioned below.


  • Consistency
  • Time To Recite
  • Reward for Memorizing
  • Summary
  • Significance

Friday has significance among the other days of the week. During this day, Muslims offer a special Jumma prayer. And reciting surah Kahf on Jumma elevates the ranks in front of the True God. Further, our Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), is the practice reciting Surah Kahf on Friday.

(جاری ہے)


We offer prayers for Allah and especially for our own salvation. This is known as consistency. We need to ask for the forgiveness of Allah by doing the deeds that are liked by God. And including the recitation of the said Surah will allow you many benefits. Allah likes consistency, and by doing this, we will be able to achieve Allah's happiness, the first and the foremost goal of our lives being Muslims.

Time To Recite

For Muslims, there is no prescribed time or day for the recitation of the Holy Quran. Everyone can recite the verses from the Holy Quran at any time of the day. They can recite the verses right before going to sleep. Now coming onto Surah Kahf, you can clearly see a lot of ahadees focusing on the recitation of the said Surah on Friday. The time duration for a 24 hours day starts at sunset on Thursday and ends at sunset on Friday.

Reward for Memorizing

The nature of Humans likes to do anything for a reward. And for Muslims reciting the Surah Kahf on Friday brings tons of benefits. That will allow you to earn a prestigious spot in the Jannat.

According to our beloved and the Last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

"Whoever reads Surah Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays."

At one point our beloved and the Last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said,

"One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal ."

Here is another narration of our beloved and the Last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW),

"And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?"

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