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What Last Surah In Quran Revealed?

What Last Surah In Quran Revealed?

Everyone should know What Last Surah in Quran Revealed? The last surah was revealed to our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Surah Al Nasr comes at the 110th number, and it contains 3 verses, 80 letters, and 19 words. There are no rukus in this surah. This surah is among the shortest surahs revealed on our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) after surah Al-Asr and Surah Al Kwathar. Surah Al Nasr is a Madni surah. And this surah is the last surah to be revealed to us in the city of Madina.

What Last Surah in Quran Revealed? Surah Al Nasr is the last surah in the Holy Quran, considered a Madni surah.

(جاری ہے)

It was revealed at Mina on Last Hajj but regarded as Madni surah. According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA), Surah Nasr was the surah that was sent down on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage of our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in the middle of the Tashriq Days. At the stage of Mina, our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) rode his camel and gave his last sermon.

Our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said upon the revelation of this surah, "My death has been announced."

Our Beloved last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said, “whoever recites surah Al Nasr in his mandatory prayer Allah would keep him away from the harm of his enemies.”

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