NA-216 Sanghar, National Assembly Constituency

NA-216 is constituency of National Assembly of Pakistan. It is located in District Sanghar, The Constituency had registered voters in 2018 general election, total votes were casted.
Complete election history of NA-216 is given below, including the candidates and political parties which have participated in the elections, general election results and bye-elections result, profiles of candidates is also given below which includes the history and contact details.

Elections in NA-216

Candidates in NA-216

Politician Name Party Affiliation
Ali Sher Ansari Independent
Amanullah Usmani Mutahida Deeni Mahaz
Amir Hussain Awan Independent
Asad Ali Shar Independent
Asghar Ali Awan Independent
Athar Hussain Lashari Independent
Ismail Shah Independent
Javed Ali Bozdar Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf
Kashif Illahi Independent
Mumtaz Hussain Sahto Jamaat-e-islami Pakistan
Nisar Ahmed Bambhro Independent
Pir Sadruddin Shah Pakistan Muslim League (F)
Pir Syed Ahmed Nawaz Shah Jeelani Independent
Pir Syed Ahmed Raza Shah Jeelani Independent
Pir Syed Farzand Ali Shah Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan
Pir Syed Fazal Ali Shah Jeelani Independent
Sajid Ali Bambhan Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians
Sarfaraz Ali Shahani Independent
Shamsudin Independent
Sheeraz Shoukat Rajper Independent
Shoaib Khaskhali All Pakistan Muslim League
Syed Muhib Ali Shah Independent
Wilayat Ali Shar Independent
Zaheer Abass Hajano Majlis-e-wahdat-e-muslimeen Pakistan
Zulfiqar Ali Soomro Sindh United Party
Asghar Ali Awan Pakistan Muslim League (N)
Javed Hussain Khaskheli Independent
Mashooque Muhiuddin Shah Independent
Mohammad Rafique Banbhan Independent
Mumtaz Hussain Independent
Noor Hussain Sakhani Independent
Noor Mohammad Sahito Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan
Pir Syed Saddaruddin Shah Rashdi Pakistan Muslim League (F)
Sajid Ali Banbhan Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians
Shoukat Ali Rajpar Independent
Syed Irshad Raza Shah Lakyari Independent
Zahid Ali Independent
Zahoor Ali Bozdar Independent

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