PS-29 Khairpur, Provincial Sindh Assembly Constituency
PS-29 is constituency of Sindh Assembly of Pakistan. It is located in District Khairpur, The Constituency had registered voters in 2018 general election, total votes were casted.Complete election history of PS-29 is given below, including the candidates and political parties which have participated in the elections, general election results and bye-elections result, profiles of candidates is also given below which includes the history and contact details.
Elections in PS-29
Candidates in PS-29
PS-29 Latest News In English
PPPP’s Sheraz Shoukat Rajpal wins PS-27 election
Election Commission of Pakistan issues notification ..
PS-29 Khairpur-IV Results & Constituency Updates - ..
Ghous Ali Shah gets NA-208, PS-26 tickets from GDA
Ticket awarded to Ghous Ali Shah by GCD for Khairpur ..
Elections in Pakistan
General Election 2018General Election 2013General Election 2008List of Assemblies
National Assembly Punjab Assembly Sindh Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Balochistan AssemblyConstituencies History