PS-58 Matiari, Provincial Sindh Assembly Constituency
PS-58 is constituency of Sindh Assembly of Pakistan. It is located in District Matiari, The Constituency had registered voters in 2018 general election, total votes were casted.Complete election history of PS-58 is given below, including the candidates and political parties which have participated in the elections, general election results and bye-elections result, profiles of candidates is also given below which includes the history and contact details.
Elections in PS-58
Candidates in PS-58
PS-58 Latest News In English
PPP sweeps polls in 9 districts of Hyderabad division
PPPP Zia Abbas Shah wins PS-58 election
Makhdoom Jameel forms 'Peoples Sarwari Committees'
PPP's Makhdoom Mehbub wins PS-58 election
PS-58 Results (Matiari-I) - Election 2018 Pakistan
Zero tolerance to be adopted on code of conduct violations: ..
Elections in Pakistan
General Election 2018General Election 2013General Election 2008List of Assemblies
National Assembly Punjab Assembly Sindh Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Balochistan AssemblyConstituencies History