WD Parnell

July 30th 1989

WD Parnell is famous Cricket player from South Africa . He was born on 30 July 1989. He has played 6 test matches and scored 67 runs with the avg of 16.75 and strike rate of 37.22 . In 6 test matches he has Bowled 556 balls and picked up 15 wickets by giving 414 scroes with economy of 4.46 and strike rate of 37 with 1 four-wicket haul. He has played 73 ODIs and scored 574 runs with the avg of 20.5 and strike rate of 79.39 including 1 half centuries and remains not out 15 times. In 73 ODI matches he has Bowled 3224 balls and picked up 99 wickets by giving 3010 scroes with economy of 5.6 and strike rate of 32.5 with 3 four-wicket haul, 2 fifer (five-wicket haul). He has played 56 T20 Internationals and scored 174 runs with the avg of 17.4 and strike rate of 96.66 and remains not out 13 times. In 56 T20 Internationals he has Bowled 1094 balls and picked up 59 wickets by giving 1513 scroes with economy of 8.29 and strike rate of 18.5 with 1 four-wicket haul, 1 fifer (five-wicket haul). He has played 84 First-Class cricket matches and scored 2728 runs with the avg of 27.55 and strike rate of 52.32 including 2 centuries and 17 half centuries and remains not out 14 times. In 84 First-Class cricket matches he has Bowled 12635 balls and picked up 242 wickets by giving 7240 scroes with economy of 3.43 and strike rate of 52.2 with 7 four-wicket haul, 9 fifer (five-wicket haul), 2 ten-wicket haul. He has played 187 List A cricket matches and scored 2266 runs with the avg of 23.6 and strike rate of 86.85 including 2 centuries and 6 half centuries and remains not out 34 times. In 187 List A cricket matches he has Bowled 8296 balls and picked up 248 wickets by giving 7496 scroes with economy of 5.42 and strike rate of 33.4 with 6 four-wicket haul, 5 fifer (five-wicket haul). He has played 300 Twenty20 matches and scored 2200 runs with the avg of 18.48 and strike rate of 123.24 including 5 half centuries and remains not out 66 times. In 300 Twenty20 matches he has Bowled 5957 balls and picked up 317 wickets by giving 8054 scroes with economy of 8.11 and strike rate of 18.7 with 6 four-wicket haul, 1 fifer (five-wicket haul). Read latest news about WD Parnell, his photo album, videos and other important information at this page.

وین پارنیل

WD Parnell

بلے بازی اور فیلڈنگ

میچز اننگز ناٹ آؤٹ سکور زیادہ سکور اوسط گیندیں سٹرائیک ریٹ سنچری نصف سنچری چوکے چھکے کیچ سٹمپ
ٹیسٹ 6 4 0 67 23 16.75 180 37.22 0 0 11 0 3 0
ایک روزہ بین الاقوامی 73 43 15 574 56 20.5 723 79.39 0 1 43 9 13 0
ٹی ٹونٹی بین الاقوامی 56 23 13 174 29 17.4 180 96.66 0 0 13 4 7 0
فرسٹ کلاس 84 113 14 2728 111 27.55 5214 52.32 2 17 352 25 25 0
لسٹ اے 187 130 34 2266 129 23.6 2609 86.85 2 6 185 40 34 0
ٹونٹی20 300 185 66 2200 99 18.48 1785 123.24 0 5 180 81 71 0

گیند بازی

میچز اننگز گیندیں سکور وکٹیں وکٹیں / اننگ وکٹیں / میچ اوسط اکانومی سٹرائیک ریٹ 4 وکٹیں 5 وکٹیں 10 وکٹیں
ٹیسٹ 6 10 556 414 15 4/51 6/89 27.6 4.46 37 1 0 0
ایک روزہ بین الاقوامی 73 69 3224 3010 99 5/48 5/48 30.4 5.6 32.5 3 2 0
ٹی ٹونٹی بین الاقوامی 56 55 1094 1513 59 5/30 5/30 25.64 8.29 18.5 1 1 0
فرسٹ کلاس 84 145 12635 7240 242 7/51 12/105 29.91 3.43 52.2 7 9 2
لسٹ اے 187 181 8296 7496 248 6/51 6/51 30.22 5.42 33.4 6 5 0
ٹونٹی20 300 293 5957 8054 317 5/30 5/30 25.4 8.11 18.7 6 1 0

وین پارنیل کی خبریں

مزید خبریں

کرکٹ, جنوبی افریقہ کے کھلاڑی

مزید کھلاڑی