Jinnah Express Train Lahore to Karachi Cantt Timetable, Schedule, All Updates

Jinnah Express is among the most famous and populous trains of Pakistan Railways. The Train Name code of Jinnah Express is 32DN, and its full name is 32DN - Jinnah Express. Jinnah Express commences its journey from Lahore and ends at Karachi Cantt. It departs from Lahore at 14:45:00 and arrives at Karachi Cantt at 07:15:00. You can know the complete schedule of 32DN - Jinnah Express below.

Station Name Arrival Departure
Lahore 14:45:00
Khanewal 17:55:00 18:15:00
Rohri 00:01:00 00:20:00
Hyderabad 04:55:00 04:57:00
Drigh Road 06:50:00 06:52:00
Karachi Cantt 07:15:00
Reverse Route - Jinnah Express Karachi Cantt to Lahore 32DN Route

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Jinnah Express 32DN Timetable, Schedule

Jinnah Express is known as 32DN. You can track it via 32DN and make a convenient online booking via this code. 32DN - Jinnah Express starts its journey from Lahore at 14:45:00. The arrival time of Jinnah Express at Karachi Cantt is 07:15:00.

In the journey of 32DN - Jinnah Express, it stops at 6 stops, including Khanewal, Rohri, Hyderabad, Drigh RoadKhanewal, Rohri, Hyderabad, Drigh Road and Karachi Cantt. You can know the arrival and departure time of Jinnah Express for all the railway stations on its way in the above table. By observing the Jinnah Express timetable, you will never miss your train. You can bookmark this page if you are a frequent traveler of Jinnah Express. We recommend you share this page with your family and friends if they travel through Jinnah Express.

UrduPoint keeps on updating the 32DN - Jinnah Express schedule whenever Pakistan Railways updates the Jinnah Express timetable. That's why revisiting this Jinnah Express timetable page is better while planning your next visit. You can call the Pakistan Railways helpline for more information regarding the Jinnah Express schedule.

Latest Comments

Its a request to PM, when appointing a minister of Railways , kindly check whether these people are suitable for the job. This man Swati, what technical knowledge does he have to run a giant organization like Railways. Almost all trains are delayed which has become a regular feature. What has he done to rectify the problem.

By: Aslam Mughal on 29-10-2021

Stopped tha rahim yar khan ya khan pur rohi mens ?

By: Mohammed Asif on 06-10-2021

Jinnah kb chale gai dubara.

By: Seemab on 30-12-2020

i want one ticket lahore to khi

By: Saqib on 03-02-2020

We need that train which run at the speed of 600 kilometers per hour so that we can reach to Rawalpindi within 3 hours

By: Imran Qadir on 19-07-2019

today 28 june 2019 jinnah exp 32 DN Lahore to karachi 90 minutes late departured .passengers suffered in hot weather in lahore

By: Nazir on 28-06-2019