Attock Passenger Train Attock City to Mari Indus Timetable, Schedule, All Updates

Attock Passenger is among the most famous and populous trains of Pakistan Railways. The Train Name code of Attock Passenger is 202DN, and its full name is 202DN - Attock Passenger. Attock Passenger commences its journey from Attock City and ends at Mari Indus. It departs from Attock City at 16:05:00 and arrives at Mari Indus at 20:50:00. You can know the complete schedule of 202DN - Attock Passenger below.

Station Name Arrival Departure
Attock City 16:05:00
Jhalar 16:30:00 16:31:00
Sulaimanabad 16:38:00 16:39:00
Basal 16:50:00 16:52:00
Domel 17:00:00 17:01:00
Nammal 17:12:00 17:13:00
Chur Sharif (halt) 17:19:00 17:20:00
Langar 17:22:00 17:23:00
Jand 17:36:00 17:38:00
Uchhri 17:50:00 17:51:00
Jhamat 18:06:00 18:08:00
Chhab 18:31:00 18:32:00
Khatakabad 18:42:00 18:43:00
Injra 18:50:00 18:51:00
Makhad Road 19:05:00 19:06:00
Massan 19:45:00 19:46:00
Daud Khel 20:15:00 20:35:00
Mari Indus 20:50:00
Reverse Route - Attock Passenger Mari Indus to Attock City 202DN Route

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Attock Passenger 202DN Timetable, Schedule

Attock Passenger is known as 202DN. You can track it via 202DN and make a convenient online booking via this code. 202DN - Attock Passenger starts its journey from Attock City at 16:05:00. The arrival time of Attock Passenger at Mari Indus is 20:50:00.

In the journey of 202DN - Attock Passenger, it stops at 18 stops, including Jhalar, Sulaimanabad, Basal, Domel, Nammal, Chur Sharif (halt), Langar, Jand, Uchhri, Jhamat, Chhab, Khatakabad, Injra, Makhad Road, Massan, Daud KhelJhalar, Sulaimanabad, Basal, Domel, Nammal, Chur Sharif (halt), Langar, Jand, Uchhri, Jhamat, Chhab, Khatakabad, Injra, Makhad Road, Massan, Daud Khel and Mari Indus. You can know the arrival and departure time of Attock Passenger for all the railway stations on its way in the above table. By observing the Attock Passenger timetable, you will never miss your train. You can bookmark this page if you are a frequent traveler of Attock Passenger. We recommend you share this page with your family and friends if they travel through Attock Passenger.

UrduPoint keeps on updating the 202DN - Attock Passenger schedule whenever Pakistan Railways updates the Attock Passenger timetable. That's why revisiting this Attock Passenger timetable page is better while planning your next visit. You can call the Pakistan Railways helpline for more information regarding the Attock Passenger schedule.

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