
Records 1 To 16 (Total 887 Records)

Urdu point is the leading internet-based newspaper which is providing you the best and latest news for every city of Pakistan to you. This section brings you some of the most prominent news related to your Karachi.

The detailed coverage of Urdu Point on every section of news gives us a slight advantage for being the most informative and up to date electronic newspaper when it comes to the latest reporting of news for our readers.

This section of Urdu Point brings you all the information related to news and videos which are being uploaded on any of the social media platforms. The news is gathered regardless of its content and demographics being collected from various sources. These videos are later sorted according to their news that pertains to a particular Karachi city.

Now you can watch all the city-related videos here in this section of Urdu Point Karachi section specially designed to report all the information and news of the Karachi.

All the videos being uploaded on YouTube are sorted out for their city-wise content that is being posted here in this section.

The main benefit of this section is to give you complete access to informative videos of your Karachi city. These videos provide you with the latest insight and information about what is happening in your city utilizing not much time of yours.

As we all are well aware of the fact that no one has got enough time for the day to search for the news over the internet that pertains to their city.

Whenever we find any activity, related news, or updated video being released by the content creators on social media. Our search time promptly gets all the information, cleanses them, and sorts them according to the section of our Karachi videos.

We at Urdu Point tries our very best to find the perfect authentic and detailed report for our viewers who want to read the news of his or her Karachi city.

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