US-based Human Rights Fora Appeals For Clemency Of Yasin Malik

US-based human rights fora appeals for clemency of Yasin Malik

South Asia Democracy Watch, a Dallas, US-based non-profit human rights organization, along with its Board Member, Dr. K. Tausif Kamal Attorney at law, and co-member Raja Muzaffar, have submitted a clemency application to the chief justice of the supreme court of India, seeking the commutation of life sentence and release of Malik Muhammad Yasin

MIRPUR ( AJK) : (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point news - 4th Dec, 2023) South Asia Democracy Watch, a Dallas, US-based non-profit human rights organization, along with its board Member, Dr. K. Tausif Kamal Attorney at law, and co-member Raja Muzaffar, have submitted a clemency application to the chief justice of the supreme court of India, seeking the commutation of life sentence and release of Malik Muhammad Yasin.

Yasin Malik, a prominent Kashmiri leader, has been unjustly detained and his trial has been marred by bias and a lack of due process. The verdict rendered by the lower court raises significant concerns about the fairness and impartiality of the judicial process, as it appears to have been influenced by political considerations rather than the principles of justice and the rule of law, said a message receiver here late Monday.

Dr. K. Tausif Kamal, an Attorney at Law in the United States of America and a dedicated advocate for justice and fairness, has implored the chief justice of the supreme court of India to thoroughly examine the circumstances surrounding Malik's case. It is crucial to uphold the importance of an independent judiciary and ensure that justice is not only done but also seen to be done.

It continued that the detention of Yasin Malik was a blatant violation of his fundamental rights, including freedom of expression and association. As a prominent leader, Malik has been advocating for the rights and aspirations of the

people of Kashmir. His peaceful activism should be protected, rather than punished.

The biased approach taken by the lower court in Malik's case raises serious doubts about the fairness of his trial. By relying on political considerations rather than impartial judgment, the court undermines the integrity of the entire judicial process, denying Malik his right to a fair trial and eroding public trust in the judiciary.

Furthermore, the international community has expressed concern over the human rights situation in Kashmir. Malik's case highlights the broader issues faced by the people of Kashmir, who continue to suffer from a lack of justice and accountability. By addressing Malik's case in a fair and just manner, the Supreme Court of India can set a precedent for upholding human rights and ensuring justice for all.