Education in Pakistan

Education is the legal and basic right of a person living in a country. It signifies every gender's personality, whether it is a man or a woman, a child, or an older person. The Educational System of Pakistan is under consideration of the Federal Ministry as well as the Provisional Government. Both are working to provide free and compulsory education to the children of age ranging five to sixteen years as acting on Article 25-A of the Constitution of Pakistan.

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Levels Of Education in Pakistan

Very Educational System has organized its working methodology; in Pakistan, it categorizes into six different levels:

  1. Vocational Education (Technical or Non-technical Education)
  2. Primary Education (1st to 8th standard)
  3. Secondary Education (9th to 12th standard)
  4. Tertiary Education (Bachelor Education)
  5. Quaternary Education (M.phil as Masters Education)
  6. Madrasah (Islamic Education)

1- Vocational Education System

Pakistan has an organized Vocational Education System that allows people to attain skills of technologies as well as non-technological spectra. There was a rapid increase in Vocational departments, technical opportunities, and a range of students during 2015. This survey shows the betterment in such fields as:

3,600 technical institutes with 19,400 teachers, during 2015.

At the end of the year, there were 319940 students with an increase of 3.7% more vocational students than in 2014.

2- Primary Education

Before Primary education, there is a small sub-level as Pre-primary Education for children less than 5 years which is also known as Katchi or KG schooling level. It is very necessary for a child to get a better and basic education during these 12 years as it leads him/her to cope up with the high tasks of future competitive studies.

There were 165900 primary schools with 430900 teachers in 2015.

The admission rate increased with 2.1% with 19.4M to 19.8M students in the year 2014-2015

3- Secondary Education (Matriculation and Inter-college Education)

After the 8th standard, the student has to pass the HEC test to clear out the matriculation (9th-10th) and inter-college (11th-12th) education. It declares mostly the upcoming fields of the students. 2015 Educational survey shows a major performance in high and higher faculties as:

In a high educational system, 2.3% of institutions and 12.9% of student ratios increased from 2014-15.

As in the higher educational system, there was an increase of 54000 educational departments with 118100 teachers and 1.67M students in 2015.

4- Tertiary Education System

The tertiary system refers to the Bachelor studies without any associate degree as it represents the two types of Graduation levels, Undergraduate and Postgraduate. UG gets two to four years for its completion showing the courses from Art to Business and Science to Technology. M.phill is necessary for teachers to apply for teaching in degree colleges or universities. The progressive ratio is increasing day by day and year to year.

2015 survey shows:

  • 1400 degree colleges, overall in Pakistan.
  • Total teachers were about 36600 in ratio to 2014 strength.
  • Almost 1.14M students got admission in degree colleges.

5- Quaternary Educational System

This system allows the graduate students to avail of further opportunities for M.phill and Ph.D. The quaternary Educational system provides a range of courses even a Bachelor's level as this leads students to polish their skills more and practice their experiences in research. There is a prominent and prolonged improvement in this Educational system due to advancements in courses like science, technology, arts, business, economics, etc.

  • 170 universities with 94.03 thousand teachers were estimated in 2016.
  • 1.29M students got their enrollments in both the private and government sectors.

6- Madrassah System

Madrassah is a divinity, conservatory, and training institute for Muslims. Preferably, all the Madrasas teach the Islamic lessons, Tafseer-e-Quran, Islamic Laws as Fiqah, and Hadis (the sayings of Muhammad PBUH). All these terms are purely related to Islam. Somehow, other terms like Math, philosophy, sayings of famous philosophers, and science are also taught to describe or to verify Islamic logic.

  • Madrasas are the source of food for many poor people and a way of preaching for Islamic scholars.
  • The number of Madrasas in Pakistan varies from 12-40 thousand or can cross the ratio of public schools in some areas.
Education In Pakistan

Educational Literacy Rate in Provisions of Pakistan in the last ten years

For an educated society, there should be a high literacy rate in the country. When the reformers raised the name of Pakistan, they devoted it to the high set up of Education. The last 11th Five years Development Plan declares to promote the quality of Education, and there will be a dominant increase in public expenditure for Education to 4.0 GDP by 2018. Here is a chart that shows the Literacy rate of Pakistan from 2014-2015 respectively in its Provinces:

Overall, it can be seen that in all provinces of Pakistan, the literacy percentage of males is 70%, which is higher than females as 49% of the total population of women.

Problems that Educational System of Pakistan is facing

Pakistan is one of the biggest population growing countries with a rate of 2.1% in the last World Population survey of 2018. With this growth rate, it becomes difficult to handle the Educational sectors and provide free Education to them. Despite this, several problems have become a hurdle in the progressing of Educational sectors of Pakistan as:

  • Low enrolling rate of children: The percentage of non-rolling children in schools is also considerable as in 2016, about 22.6M children didn't take admission in schools while those who received, were about 28.6M, not far from non-rolling children.
  • The problem of Infrastructure Building: besides the study, the structure of the building is also necessary as a survey shows that nine out of 100 schools have no proper buildings, and the students get their Education outdoors. Private schools have much better availability of water points, furniture, and electricity.
  • Qualification of Teachers: PES 2014-15 survey shows that the professionalism of teachers impacts the Education of students as well as also affects the activities of teachers because if a teacher is not eligible, then he/she will not be able to deliver the lecture accurately. Almost 41% of teachers have no Bachelor's degree in institutes.

I conclude that to grow up in society, it is essential to give Education to the children to improve the literacy level among people.

Q. How many levels of education are present in Pakistan?

A total of 6 levels of education levels are present in Pakistan.

Q. What is the highest level of education in Pakistan?

In Quaternary Education System, Ph.D. is considered the highest level of education in Pakistan.

Q. Aim of Education Department of Pakistan?

All education boards of Pakistan are working on Quaid's aim of Education.

Pakistan Education Updates

Education sector in Pakistan is very vast, starting from primary to higher education, there are millions of students enrolled directly in the educational institutes. Students are always looking for a platform to know the latest updates about the result & admissions. UrduPoint provides its users an excellent platform to keep themself updated about the latest BISE, College & University results, and to remain prepared for the exams by checking the past papers of all educational boards and universities. There is also a huge directory of educational institutes in Pakistan, including schools, colleges, universities, academies & tution centers. The students who want to go and study abroad can take help from the directory of consultants online. There are dozens of educational videos for career counseling in Pakistan available in this section. Students can find the list and direction of libraries in different cities, their addresses & details are given here.