Pak-Turkey Relationship


 Pak-Turkey relationship

(UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th Nov, 2016 ) Pivotal states, witnessing instability, conflict and transformational developments in their respective regions. "President Erdogan and I agreed that a close Pak-Turkey relationship served as a powerful factor of stability in this troubled environment," he said.

He said Pakistan was committed to a peaceful neighbourhood and along with Turkey, the joint efforts for security and development in the region would continue. "As indispensable partners, Pakistan and Turkey would continue to make efforts for peace, security and development in the region and beyond." He mentioned that 2017 marked the 70th anniversary of Pak-Turk diplomatic relations.

Nawaz Sharif acknowledged Turkey's support to Pakistan at Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), adding that it resulted in strengthening Pakistan's position at the forum.

President Erdogan thanked Prime Minister Sharif for a very warm welcome extended to him in his second home, Pakistan.

He expressed satisfaction that Pakistan and Turkey were making progress in the areas of economy, trade and culture, besides strengthening ties in defence and energy sectors. He said Turkey would soon be hosting the fifth summit of the High Level Strategic Council.

The Turkish President expressed satisfaction over the cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan to ensure peace and hoped that it would help overcome the menace of terrorism.