10,000 MW To Be Inducted Into System Till 2018: Asif

10,000 MW to be inducted into system till 2018: Asif

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Nov, 2016 ) : Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Monday said that 10,000 MW would be added in national grid till 2018 and it would help to remove power loadshedding from the country.

Talking to a private news channel, the minister said the government had planned to induct about 10,000 MW of electricity from coal and gas resources. He said the country has been facing 5000 MW power shortage and the energy would be surplus till 2018 as the government has launched various power projects in the country to meet energy demands.

He said,"We were particularly focusing on addition of low-cost electricity to the national grid to meet the increasing energy requirements."