11 Criminal Gangs Busted, Rs7.1m Looted Goods Recovered

11 criminal gangs busted, Rs7.1m looted goods recovered

BUREWALA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Police claimed to have arrested 28 members of 11 gangs involved in dacoity and recovered looted goods worth over Rs 7.1 million from their possession.

According to the details, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Burewala Zafar Iqbal Dogar while holding a press conference said that police team led by Station House Officer (SHO) Model Town Mazhar Fareed, have arrested dangerous criminals.

He said that the police have recovered 31 motorcycles, stolen goods worth more than Rs 7.1 million, a large number of illegal weapons used in the dacoity bids and more than 10 kilograms of hashish worth lac of rupees from the drug peddlers.

Likewise, 34 proclaimed offenders involved in various serious cases were also arrested.

Meanwhile, the police traced the suspects involved in two murder cases and arrested them.
