11 Orphan Students Of KORT Rehabilitation Complex Leave For

11 Orphan students of KORT Rehabilitation Complex leave for

MIRPUR (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Dec, 2016 ) , Dec 21 (APP): At least 11 Orphan students of Mirpur-based, Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust (KORT) Rehabilitation Complex Wednesday left for here to perform Umrah on the expenditures of KORT.

This was stated by the Chairman KORT, Muhammad Akhter while seeing off the students, mostly those who had rendered orphan and shelterless in deadly October 8, 2005 earthquake. Akhter said that the nomination of the 11 lucky orphan students came through a secret ballot conducted to pick up from about 225 regular male and female students.

He further told that two of the employees of the KORT, nominated through the secret ballot, will also accompany the students for performing Umrah. He underlined that most of the fortunate students picked up through ballot for performing Umrah are of teen age studying in class 8th and 9th in the KORT educational complex.

KORT was established soon after the deadly earthquake of October 8, 2005 in Azad Jammu Kashmir that left hundreds of children orphan and shelter less.