11 Policemen Lose Job For Involvement In Organized Crimes

11 policemen lose job for involvement in organized crimes

SSP District Keamari, Arif Aslam Rao took stringent measures against officers and officials engaged in organized crimes, resulting in the dismissal of 11 individuals involved in drug-related activities, gutka/mawa, smuggling, and other criminal acts

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Nov, 2023) SSP District Keamari, Arif Aslam Rao took stringent measures against officers and officials engaged in organized crimes, resulting in the dismissal of 11 individuals involved in drug-related activities, gutka/mawa, smuggling, and other criminal acts.

Following the issuance of show cause notices, an inquiry was conducted by the authorized officer, said Keamari Police spokesperson.

After the final show-cause notices were served and the guilty officers and officials were heard during an orderly room session on Thursday, a decision was made.

In total, 14 police officers and officials appeared before SSP Keamari in the orderly room.

Eleven officers were dismissed from their positions, the services of two were forfeited, and one official underwent orders for a re-inquiry.

Among the dismissed individuals are Sub-Inspector Mehboob Tanoli, Head Constable Ikramullah, Constables Chan Zaib, Jabbar, Sohail, Anil Ali, Zahid Rafiq, Owais, Muhammad Javed, Abdul Majid, and Musawar Ali.

The SSP emphasized a zero-tolerance policy within the Keamari police department, stating that there is no place for individuals involved in criminal activities or those aiding such activities.

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