30KW Micro Hydro Power Project Inaugurated In Upper Dir

30KW micro hydro power project inaugurated in upper dir

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -29th Augst,2016) : Minister for Local Government Inayatullah has inagurated a micro hydro-power project of 30-Kilo Watt capacity in Jabar area of district Upper Dir.

According to officials, the project has been built on Gandegar canal with a cost of Rs 3 million and it will provide cheaper electricity to 200 households of the area at very economical price, a private news channel reported.

Local residents of the area have expressed happiness over the inauguration of the micro hydro power project and said it would help overcome their problems. The local villagers said the government have also pledged to start work on the construction of a 500KW hydro project in the area after Eid.