35 Litres Of Liquor Seized During Crackdown

35 litres of liquor seized during crackdown

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Apr, 2024) Police have apprehended five liquor suppliers and confiscated 35 litres of liquor from their possession here on Sunday.

According to police spokesman, Pirwadhai police held Siddique with 8 liters of liquor, while Race Course police nabbed Asif with a similar quantity.

Additionally, Gujjar Khan police intercepted Ahmar, confiscating 8 liters of liquor.

Following operation, Bani police recovered 6 liters of liquor from Fayyaz and 5 liters from Tawheed.

SSP Operations commended police teams emphasizing a zero-tolerance stance towards illegal activities, the SSP affirmed that stringent measures will be taken against those involved in the illicit liquor trade.

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