4500 Km Long Optic Fiber Laid To Provide IT Facilities In Balochistan


4500 km long optic fiber laid to provide IT facilities in Balochistan

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Nov, 2016 ) : Sub-Committee of the Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunications Thursday expressed satisfaction over the coverage of 4500 km long optic fiber in the Province of Balochistan and asked departments concerned to lay down remaining 1000 optic fiber without delay.

The committee meeting, chaired by Taj Muhammad Afridi, asked the Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure cooperation for completing the remaining optic fiber coverage area. The meeting also expressed its dismay over the absence of representatives of LEAs in the meeting and decided to hold next meeting in Quetta.

The meeting was informed that the Ministry of IT had the plan to lay 5,600 kilometer fiber optic cable in different areas of Balochistan, out of which 4,500 kilometer area could be covered, while 1,000 fiber optic could not be laid due to law and order issues in certain areas of the province.

Taj Afridi said he would hold next meeting in Balochistan so that people of the province could be aware of the government efforts being made for the development of IT infrastructure there.

He also highlighted importance of locals' involvement in the development of IT infrastructure like setting up mobile phone towers and laying of fiber optic cable, adding that it would help ensure smooth execution of the projects.

He underlined the need for coordinated efforts among Ministry of IT, Provincial governments, Universal Services Fund (USF), mobile phone operators and LEAs for execution of IT projects in an effective manner.

The meeting was also apprised that weak signals of mobile phones were a common complaint and sometimes consumers had to wait even for five to six hours to get through their calls in certain localities.

The Joint Secretary of IT Ministry apprised the committee that there was a plan to set up telecenters across the country. He said a pilot project for telecenters would be launched soon, following which it would be expanded to other areas.

Among others the meeting was attended by Senators Shibli Faraz, Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar and Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel besides CEO USF, Joint Secretary Ministry of IT and Secretary IT Balochistan.