600-kg Dead Meat Seized, 2 Arrested

600-kg dead meat seized, 2 arrested

The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has seized 600 kilograms (kg) of meat of dead animal and arrested two accused from the spot

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has seized 600 kilograms (kg) of meat of dead animal and arrested two accused from the spot.

A spokesman for the PFA said here on Saturday that PFA team on a tip-off conducted raid near Painsara and seized 600 kilograms (kg) meat of dead cow which was being transported to deliver it to various food outlets, hotels and restaurants.

The PFA team arrested two accused from the spot and locked them behind bars after registering a case while further investigation was under progress, he added.

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