Aawaz II Network Organizes Provincial Consultation


Aawaz II network organizes provincial consultation

Aawaz II programme–Peace and Justice Network, organized provincial consultation on the discourse of prioritizing and integrating grassroots level community engagement and behavior change intercessions for effective legislation, public policy planning, efficient implementation and establishing mechanism for services delivery related to gender-based issues, child marriage, social cohesion and tolerance

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Feb, 2024) Aawaz II programme–Peace and Justice Network, organized provincial consultation on the discourse of prioritizing and integrating grassroots level community engagement and behavior change intercessions for effective legislation, public policy planning, efficient implementation and establishing mechanism for services delivery related to gender-based issues, child marriage, social cohesion and tolerance.

This consultation provided an opportunity to the local leaders and activists of Aawaz II community leaders and civil society experts to share their experiences and recommendations for community engagement to drive behavior change aligned with policies, laws and services, said a news release issued here on Friday.

The consultation was supposed to contribute in chalking out valid recommendations on effective strategic planning for community engagement, behavior change necessary for the impactful implementation of the public policies.

Team Lead of Aawaz II programme, Dr Yasmin Ziadi spoke on the community engagement strategies of the programme and also deliberated on the community structures including Village Forums, District Forums and Aawaz Aagahi Centres, Provincial Forums constituted under the Aawaz II programme.

Social Welfare Punjab, Muzammil Yar Khan from Aawaz II programme said,that efforts are being made to highlight public voice on different areas and bridging gap between the citizen-state engagement processes.

He emphasized the community engagement and inclusivity are the key to success to public policy planning.

Mavarhan Khan from AIG gender crimes acknowledged and emphasized the community viewpoint and community engagement in policy planning and execution to lead the processes and procedures more transparent, responsive, accountable and accepted. He said that Police department is continuously shifting policies paradigm from orthodox policing styles to the more community centric, progressive and modern policing models.

Secretary Women Development Department Punjab, Sumaira Samad said that a balance between demand side and supply side is necessary while articulating policies and legislations. Communities’ engagement and participation compliments the demand side whereas the planning and elaboration of strategies for effective implementation may be supported with the informed acceptance, ownership and access by the people.