Achakzai Claimed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa As A Land Of Afghans

Achakzai claimed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as a land of Afghans

Kabul, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th june, 2016) : A Pashtun leader Mahamood Khan Achakzai claimed that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province belongs to Afghans and stated that he would not allow anyone to hassle Afghan immigrants in their “own land” and they can live there without any fear.

Achakzai who leads the Pakhtunkhwa Millie Awami Party said while taking to the journalists, “If Afghans are harassed in other parts of Pakistan; they should come here to the Pakhtunkhwa province, where no one can ask them for refugee cards, because it also belongs to them.” He told Radio Ashna that Kabul and Islamabad should practice extreme care to resolve Torkham crossing encounter.

Else they would go for the US and China to resolve the issue within two weeks.

Both sides received casualties during fight between Afghan and Pakistan forces due attempt of building gate at zero point of crossing by Pakistan revolutionary forces.

He added that Torkham and forcefully deportation of Afghan refugees were two separate issues which not only concerned among Afghan officials in Afghanistan but of Pashtun leaders as well. Pakistan forced the Afghan immigrants’ aftermath Torkham encounter.

Pressurizing Afghan immigrants is not a new thing and as a matter of fact Pakistan was also antagonistic to immigrants in the past. Likewise, Afghan immigrants were apprehended and reserved in custody for several days without committing crimes.