ADC Sheikhupura Chairs Meeting Of District Vigilance Committee


ADC Sheikhupura chairs meeting of District Vigilance Committee

Additional Deputy Commissioner General Muhammad Jameel said on Wednesday that on the special instructions of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, all resources should be used for the complete protection of the rights of kiln workers, the implementation of the minimum wage law, and the elimination of child labor

SHEIKHUPURA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th May, 2024) Additional Deputy Commissioner General Muhammad Jameel said on Wednesday that on the special instructions of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, all resources should be used for the complete protection of the rights of kiln workers, the implementation of the minimum wage law, and the elimination of child labor.

To ensure the issuance of maximum social security cards and the implementation of the payment of minimum wages to the workers fixed by the government, delay in this regard will not be tolerated.

He expressed these views while presiding over the District Vigilance Committee meeting, held under the direction of Deputy Commissioner Dr.

Waqar Ali Khan.

In the meeting, complaints related to kilns, vaccination of kiln workers, implementation of minimum wages, forced labor, child labor, issuance of social security cards, and other issues were reviewed in detail.

While giving a detailed briefing regarding the actions taken by the Labor Department against the violators of the Child Labor Act across the district, it was informed that while taking action against the violators of the Child Labor Act and those who pay low wages, several shops, including kilns have been inspected, and the and the challans of entrepreneurs who pay low wages have been sent to the court.
