Anti-encroachment Drive Start In Havelian


Anti-encroachment drive start in Havelian

HAVELIAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Dec, 2016 ) : Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) Havelian on Friday started an anti-encroachment drive in different areas of the city. During the first phase of anti encroachment drive TMA has removed illegal stalls, push carts and vehicles from Ameer Muawia chowck to Imtiaz Bakery.

According to details, after one year on Thursday TMA Havelian announced publically all over the city before the operation that all sorts of encroachment would be demolished. It was observed that usually TMA removes or demolishes only hand or push carts, while permanent encroacher always have safe passage and their property remained in their hands.

TMA also directed the encroacher to remove the illegal constructions by their self otherwise it would not be responsible of any loss during the campaign. Citizens of Havelian demanded to conduct the drive without discrimination against all whether they are concrete buildings are others.