Anti-polio Drive Inaugurated In Sialkot

Anti-polio drive inaugurated in Sialkot

Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain inaugurated the five-day anti-polio campaign by administering polio vaccine to nomad children at Kashmir Road here on Monday

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Feb, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain inaugurated the five-day anti-polio campaign by administering polio vaccine to nomad children at Kashmir Road here on Monday.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Health Sialkot Dr Rehan Azhar, DHO Dr Waseem Mirza,

Dr Shahzad Iqbal besides polio teams were also present on the occasion.

The DC said that during the anti-polio campaign, every child under five years of age

would be administered vaccine. The registered children who would not available at

their home would be traced and their physical verification would be done.

He said that during the polio campaign, 795,877 children would be administered

polio vaccine including children living in local slums and cottages in the district.

A dose of Vitamin-A would also be given to children.

He said that a total of 6,288 polio workers and staff had been deputed to fulfill the

national duty. He said that during the anti-polio campaign, 2,676 mobile teams would

go homes, schools and madrasas, 133 fixed teams would go to rural and Primary

health centers, dispensaries, EPI centers and hospitals, while 69 roaming/transit

teams would perform the national duty of administering anti-polio drops to children

at Lorry Addas, bus stops, important squares and markets.

The Deputy Commissioner said that 129 UC monitoring officers and 536 area in-charges

would perform duty for monitoring the campaign, assistant commissioners and deputy

DHOs in all four tehsils would jointly supervise the campaign.

He said the tracking of polio teams would be monitored on GIS and foolproof security

would be provided with the help of law enforcement agencies to protect the polio teams.

He appealed to the citizens that if the polio team does not reach any neighborhood,

area or village from February, 26 to March, 2 in Sialkot district, they should report it

to the District Polio Control Room 925011 and prompt action would be taken in this regard.