APHC Denounces Re-arrest Of Aasiay Andrabi In IOK


APHC denounces re-arrest of Aasiay Andrabi in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Dec, 2016 ) : All Parties Hurriyet Conference has strongly condemned the re-arrest of Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi, despite the fact that the court has ordered her release after quashing draconian Public Safety Act (PSA).

According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC in a statement issued in Srinagar said, "Aasiya is suffering from many diseases.

At a time when her son, Ahmad is in hospital and has undergone a surgery, he needs his mother to look after him, but rulers claiming to represent a democratic coalition have most undemocratically kept her detained, only for raising voice for right of self-determination." Meanwhile, the spokesman strongly condemned the arrest of a Tehreek-e-Hurriyet activist, Manzoor Ahmad Kaloo and Muhammad Ashraf Malik of Sopore by the police and termed it highhandedness of the forces.